The National Treasury has published the Second Draft Carbon Tax Bill for introduction in Parliament, as well as public comment and convening of public hearings by Parliament, which is expected to be early in 2018. Following that process, a revised Bill will be formally tabled in Parliament, which is expected to be by mid-2018.

The actual date of implementation of the carbon tax will be determined through a separate and later process by the Minister of Finance through an announcement during 2018, or at the 2019 Budget, taking into account the state of the economy. This announcement on the implementation date of the carbon tax will be complemented by a package of tax incentives and revenue recycling measures to minimise the impact in the first phase of the policy (up to 2022) on the price of electricity and energy intensive sectors such as mining, iron and steel.

Due date for comments Treasury has invited stakeholders to submit written comments on the draft Carbon Tax Bill by close of business on 9 March 2018 to Kindly email any queries to Sharlin Hemraj ( or Dr Memory Machingambi (

The Draft Carbon Tax Bill together with the following annexures is available on the National Treasury website:

  • Annexure 1: Explanatory Memorandum
  • Annexure 2: Socio economic Impact Assessment Report
  • Annexure 3: First Draft Carbon Tax Bill 2015: Response Document

We will keep you informed on any developments in this regard.