Business Valuation
Leverage the true value of your business, business valuation requires a solid grasp of both how value has been created prior to the valuation date, and how it will continue to be created in the future.

Business Valuation Services
Large enough to provide the product diversity of a large firm, but small enough to offer the personal attention and depth of experience each client expects and deserves, Chantel Elliot & Co delivers the right approach for business owners, business executives, attorneys, accountants and others.
Business valuations may be utilized in various ways and could include:
- Sale of business
- Negotiations for bank finance
- Splitting and transferring of assets
- Assist with estate and financial planning, knowing the values
- Valuations may be used in court settlements
Determining the value of your business is a subjective process. The value of a business in one person’s hands can be completely different to another.

702 Reveille Road, Shelly Beach
PO Box 805, Shelly Beach, 4265
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Tel: 039 315 0500
Fax: 039 315 0505
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